I am the Certified Golf Course Superintendent at Valley Brook Country Club and I have set this site up for those that want to be more informed about course maintenance.
Last year we had a lot of problems with our small trailers that are used to haul our reel mowers on. Over this past winter we decided to build some new ones with some of the talents that we have on our crew. Mike Konovich is one of our full time employees who also happens to be an exceptional welder and he took the job head on. The following pictures show the trailers that he made and their quality far exceeds anything that we could have purchased. Thanks Mike!
This is the second video of tree damage on the course. However, this time I was able to complete the video in High Definition. I was surprised to find the maples behind 2 red green in as bad of shape as they were. When you open the video you can change the resolution to 720 or 1080 to play in the High Definition mode. Try it out, it is awesome to see the difference in quality.