Tuesday, June 16, 2015

It has been a long time since I posted anything on my blog but it is time that I get back to posting some videos of new operations that we are doing here at the club.  As you are aware, as a member, we have been running the Cub Cadet RG3 robotic mowers on the greens for a little over a year now.  Below are the findings from using the robotic mowers on one of our nines last year compared to using the standard methods on the other 18 holes. 

RG3 Robotic Mower vs. a standard mower and greens roller:

1.       Proven - Smoother, more consistent greens (fewer foot prints, reduced edging observed in the turf as normally seen with a Salsco roller) (this is seen even more dramatically at night with headlights shining on the green surface).
2.       Proven - Higher greens quality conditioning available on “wet” days vs. traditional methods. (RG3 has shown to be able to be utilized following periods of rainfall when we otherwise could not use the traditional Salsco roller because of risk of damage to the greens surface).
3.       Proven – complete reduction in wear patterns on the front and back of the greens from the excessive Salsco rolling of the greens (the RG3 is programmed to not turn in the same place every day and it turns with less abrasion then the standard mowers). 
4.       Proven – complete reduction in wear patterns on the collars from the standard mowers making turns.
5.       Proven – complete reduction in mower marks that are created as the standard mowers are dropped onto the greens surface. 
6.       Proven -- Precise and reliable clean-up-cut; no more greens creep.
7.       Proven – ability to mow the greens in complete darkness giving the opportunity to open one 9 at 7:00 a.m. for daily play. 
8.       Proven -- Improved daily greens speed residual vs walk mower and Salsco prepared greens (fairer play conditions for tournaments throughout the entire day).
9.       Proven -- Greens aesthetics - dramatic striping from rolling and mowing on the same pass - no other equipment in the world can do this. 
10.   Improved work force enthusiasm (reduced weekend work hours).
11.   Improved player experience – moving of 2nd assignment jobs to 1st assignment (reduced noise and interruption).
12.   Improved player experience – less noise when teeing off on 1 blue and 1 gold in the morning when my employees are cutting and rolling 9 blue green.  The RG3 will mow and roll quietly with no interference. 
13.   Extended lifetime and value of existing equipment such as greens mowers and greens rollers due to reduced use.

The following video shows the operation of the robotic mowers from beginning to end and I have verbal narrations explaining the procedure throughout the video. 

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